
Supervision for Therapists and Other Professionals 

Supervision is a vital part of support and quality assurance for counsellors.  Most professional associations require individual supervision as part of ongoing development.  Other practitioners such as youth workers, school support staff, prison staff, nursing and care workers find it helpful to seek non-managerial supervision as a way to support and develop their practice.  Group supervision may sometimes be the best way for teams of workers to arrange supervision and may be used in conjunction with individual supervision.

Areas of specialism

I currently offer supervision to a range of individuals and groups at all levels in both public sector and voluntary organisations, and also to private practitioners.  I offer supervision to both experienced and trainee counsellors, youth workers, teachers and other professionals working in this field.  I have over 20 years of therapeutic experience gained mainly working in the NHS, Education and the Youth Service with children, young people, adults, families and with professionals working in these or associated areas and over 15 years experience as a supervisor.

Personal Approach

Through regular supervision I aim to support you and any client/patient work you undertake.  I will work with you to provide the very best service that together we can provide for your clients/patients.  I will assist with your personal and professional development in a warm, nurturing and empowering manner. I will also work with you to enable compliance within ethical and professional standards.

I have a long standing commitment to developing and promoting supervision and have regular arrangements for my own supervision. I work in a collaborative way: respecting the experience and input of the supervisee.

My approach is integrative combining various different theoretical approaches including person centred, cognitive behavioural theories amongst others.